Sunday, October 30, 2011

In the Valleys and Surrounded by Mist

The Christian walk is full of hilltops and valleys. The hilltop experiences are what we feel should always be. Due to the clear views, the absolute reassurance of our Living Hope, and the joy of comfortable circumstances we think that THIS is what life is meant to be like. However, in order to follow our Shepherd, we are required to descend the hilltops and enter the valleys. The valleys are often damp, uncomfortable, misty places. It is hard to see a clear view of anything, and more often than not we lose sight of our guide, the Shepherd Himself. It is easy to forget the surety of the hilltop view in the mire and mist of the lowlands. The Shepherd guides us all the way and He gives two special companions to help us. Sorrow and suffering. Sorrow and Suffering? Why not joy and peace? The answer is a sad but true one. If we were given joy and peace to help us through our life on this earth than we would too easily forget out need for the Shepherd. Sorrow and Suffering literally force us to rely solely on our guide and what He has promised. How often have you turned to the Lord and wanted to know Him more when all was going right in your world? How often were you full of thanksgiving and praise to your Creator when life handed you nothing but roses? I honestly admit that more often than not, when things are easy in my life I too quickly forget my First Love. Our Shepherd knows the fickleness of the human heart and He knows best how to handle it. The valleys are such hard places to be in, but are ultimately the sweetest places to be in. When your strength is gone and your mind is hurling bitterness, resentment, and worry at you, how sweet it is to call to the Shepherd for help. "Shepherd, Shepherd, Shepherd! Where are you?! Please don't leave me!" This should be our heart's cry when we face our darkest moments. He is all too willing to come to us if we but call Him. He loves nothing more than to run to His frightened lamb and scoop it up in His arms and carry it safely through the valley. If you are in a valley, confused by a misty mind, than call for your Shepherd. He will come.


Miss Morgan

(Inspiration for this post comes from the book 'Hinds Feet On High Places' by Hannah Hurnard)